Page 12 - Pink Pearl Press Vol1 Issue 2
P. 12

Pink Pearl Press                           March/April 2019                              Page 12

                               Founders’ Day Program


         March 17, 2019; 3:00-5:00 PM
         Article by: Soror Lauren Blue

         Photos by: Sorors Chris Winston & Latoyia Clemons

         Epsilon Gamma Omega, Gamma Mu, and Omicron Zeta Chapters gathered
         together to celebrate our founders and to "Reflect, Rededicate and
         Commemorate 111 Years of Service.” Our speaker for this wonderful occasion
         was the International Membership Committee Chairman, Soror Tracey Morant
         Adams. We also had Soror Mayah Robinson perform a song and Soror Lauren

         Blue perform a lyrical dance. During the program, we recognized sorors for
         accomplishments and milestones they had achieved over that past year. We
         also recognized our new golden and silver sorors. We reminisced on our sorors
         in the chapter that became an Ivy Beyond the Wall this past year. This was a
         joyous occasion that allowed the chapter to come together to celebrate the 111

         years of service of Alpha Kappa Alpha.
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