Page 9 - Pink Pearl Press Vol1 Issue 2
P. 9

Pink Pearl Press                           March/April 2019                              Page 9

                                 South Eastern Regional Conference

         EGO ATTENDS 87                  TH   SOUTH EASTERN REGIONAL

         March 7-10, 2019

         Article by: Soror Lauren Blue

                The town was painted pink and green at the 87 South Eastern Regional
         Conference in Mobile, Alabama. The theme was “Unmasking the Excellence of
         Perpetual Service.” Epsilon Gamma Omega participated in numerous ways.
         We had members appointed to positions on the regional level and members

         who were presenters during the conference, including Sorors Adrienne P-K
         Washington (24th South Eastern Regional Director, Presenter), Latoyia
         Clemons (South Eastern Regional Conference Social Media Team), Cheryl M.
         Davis (South Eastern Regional Conference Standards Committee), Dr. Tonya
         Davis (South Eastern Regional Conference Presenter), Ladonna McCann

         (South Eastern Regional Conference Presenter), and Tonya Wood (South
         Eastern Regional Conference Sisterly Relations Committee).
                We had several sorors in the chapter celebrate their silver and golden
         anniversaries in the sorority. Sorors Brenda Chunn, Anita Garner, Mary Hurt,
         Abbiegail Hugine, Ann Savage, Cynthia Smith, and Paulette Williams
         celebrated fifty years of membership in the sorority. Soror Cynthia Holden

         celebrated twenty-five years of membership in the sorority. EGO also
         participated in the “Step Out, Stroll Out” Competition and received 3 place in
         the Graduate Chapter Step Category.
                We also collected several program and individual awards, including
         Target 2: Women’s Health and Wellness, Target 3: Building Your Economic

         Legacy, runner-up for Overall Exemplifying Excellence Through Sustainable
         Service Award, Reva Allman Soror of the Year Award (Soror Gloria Hemphill),
         and Esther Rigsby Membership Chair Award (Soror Tonya Wood). Our chapter
         was also recognized for Membership Best of the Best for Reactivation Day
         Award and PEARLfect Excellence MIP Submission Recognition Award.
                Epsilon Gamma Omega overall had a wonderful experience at the
         conference and enjoyed all of the different events. It is cleat that Epsilon

         Gamma Omega continues to provide “Service to Mankind” and strives to
         “Exemplify Excellence”.
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