Page 5 - Pink Pearl Press Vol1 Issue 2
P. 5

Pink Pearl Press                           March/April 2019                              Page 5

                                 Target  Programs


         March 29, 2019; 4:15-6:30 PM

         Article by: Soror Phyllis Roberts

         Photos by: Soror Mildred Blackshear

                Our Girls Inc. Committee and Target 4, The Arts! enjoyed a collaborative art “tour” on
         an early spring afternoon on March 29, 2019 to celebrate and commemorate Women’s History
         Month and celebrate “AKA Girls of the Month.” This was indeed a celebration of females who
         were and are strong, smart, and bold! The girls were quite engaged and excited.
         The event recognized “AKA Girls of the Month” for the months of January, February, and
         March. The girls were rewarded in three grade categories: Kindergarten-2nd grade, 3rd-4th
         grades, and 5th-8th grades. The selections were made by the Girls Inc. Program Director and
         Coordinators and selection criteria included good citizenship and good character. EGO awarded
         each girl with a $15.00 gift card.
                The celebration continued with a salute to Women’s History Month by our Target 4: The
         Arts! Committee. As the “Curator”, Target 4 presented the girls “Art Tours” of the Harlem
         Renaissance, the Black Arts Movement, and Today through our “Art in a Suitcase” and our
         “Distribution n’ Discussion” Arts activity booklet! The “Art in a Suitcase” focused on the
         younger girls and "toured" the works of two Harlem Renaissance artists and had kindergarten
         through 4th grade girls draw their own interpretations of the artists’ themes. The “budding
         artists” then presented and discussed their interpretations.
                Our middle-school aged girls received copies of our “Artistic Expressions of Excellence”
         Arts Activity Booklets and had discussions led by “Tour Guide” Soror Dawn Stanley. The
         activity booklet, which was created by Target 4, focused on women artists (visual, performance,
         and literary) from the Harlem Renaissance and the Black Arts Movements and featured the
         works of some of our own EGO sorors under the “Today” section.
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