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Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter
Huntsville, AL
Volume 1, Issue 2 March/April 2019
Basileus Corner
Soror Cheryl R. Davis
Greetings my beautiful EGO Sorors,
It is with great pleasure, excitement, enthusiasm, and appreciation that I greet you and say my first
100 days as your Basileus has been filled with meetings, planning, conferences, telephone calls,
prayer, listening, negotiating, and spending time getting to know all 400 plus members of our great
chapter. Being Basileus is a challenging job, yet a very rewarding, educational and humbling
opportunity to serve alongside some of the most talented, creative, intelligent, funny, and
hardworking women in the land.
As we move into the fifth month of our fiscal year, I am encouraged by the many wonderful Acts of
Service the chapter has done in our great community. EGO has been Exemplifying Excellence
through Sustainable Service in AKA! The Ivy Express has made several stops throughout the city of
Huntsville from January until April. Sorors, I thank you for your leadership and your service. All of
our targets, as well as standing committees have been on the move and have had great participation
at all events, as well as committee meetings. Keep it moving forward sorors!
I am very pleased with our progress in the implementation of my vision as Basileus of the 5 pillars of
excellence. EGO has been continuing the tradition of executing exemplary programs in our
community; continuing our focus on bringing our missing pearls home; strengthening our sisterhood
by nurturing the ivy; and reviewing, updating and revising our local chapter bylaws, standing rules
and operational procedures within our chapter. I can’t wait to see the unfolding of EGO University,
gaining a better understanding of chapter and chapter foundations, and the rollout of the Precious
Pearls House of Sisterhood initiative! My goal is to continue seeking ways to provide quality ongoing
training, while continuing to nurture the ivy through our house of sisterhood initiative.