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        Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter
        Huntsville, AL

      Volume 2, Issue 2                                                                     March/April 2020

                                       Basileus Corner

                                                  Soror Cheryl R. Davis

      Greetings Sorors,
             As we are preparing for the next season of the year, summer, let’s continue to be persistent in practicing safe
      healthy habits of washing our hands often, social distancing of six feet apart, wearing a mask when outside of the home,
      and staying informed. All the experts are saying that this is not the time to become relaxed and think that the pandemic is
      over. The top health officials continue to say that the coronavirus is not under control and more testing is needed. That
      there could possibly be a second wave in the fall, and it may be worse than the one in the spring of the year. According to
      the most recent reports, the coronavirus has killed more than 300,000 people worldwide. This is truly a time to reflect and
      review our practices as a sorority, as a nation, and as individuals. Now more than ever, we appreciate the importance of
      family. Let us continue to pray for each other and our world.
             Updates from Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Madam Supreme Glenda Glover:
      •      Since there is one critical matter that must be addressed in July, Madam Supreme Glover will convene a virtual
             Boule of delegates for the limited purpose of electing officers. Delegates must elect five (5) Directorate officers and
             ratify the regional elections. Voting on the proposed amendment to the Constitution and proposed amendments to
             the bylaws as well as other Boule activities will be deferred.
      •      It is scheduled for July 15 and 16; additional information is forthcoming.
             On a more positive note, as your Chapter Basileus, I am incredibly pleased with how our chapter has embraced the
      new norm and continuing to serve with excellence in the area of programs, membership, sisterly relations, technology, and
      chapter operations. You have not missed a beat in continuing to serve our community in unique and innovative ways.
      Please take the time to peruse the “Pink Pearl Press” to see the many ways we continue to service our community. Finally,
      I would like to once again thank Soror Lauren Blue and her newsletter team for another stellar issue of the “Pink Pearl
      Press!” Keep it moving ladies!

      Sisterly,                                                                            In This Issue:
      Soror Cheryl R. Davis

       Getting to Know Team EGO ………………..……Page 2                     Technology Tip …………….....……............Page 13
       Programs/Committees …………..………...……...Page 3                   EGO Officers .…...……................……....Page 14
       Regional Conference …………..…...…...……….Page 11                 Frequently Asked Questions ………….…Page 15
       Protocol Moment …....……………….....….….....Page 13
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