Page 10 - PLP April 2023 Primary
P. 10

10 Ski Residential Trip April 2023 Primary
Year 5 Ski Residential Trip
Last week Year 5 were lucky enough
to travel to Špindlerův Mlýn for their residential ski trip! They had a wonder- ful time in lots of snow (and a little bit of rain!) with their friends on the slopes and in the hotel.
Arriving at school with their bags burst- ing at the seams, Year 5 waved goodbye to families and set off on the bus to our hotel.
After arriving, they had an exciting after- noon of eating, playing in the snow, skiing and designing a shield to best describe their room and roommates.
Tuesday and Wednesday were action packed with two ski sessions in the day! Each ski group learnt new skills, from trying new lifts to parallel skiing all the way to jumping in the ski park.
The evenings were just as fun and were filled with board games and then by visit- ing the wellness centre to relax!
On Thursday morning, Year 5 walked into the town centre to spend their pocket money on souvenirs and snacks and re- turned to the ski slopes in the afternoon. To celebrate all the successes of the week, from teamwork to resilience and ski pro- gress, Year 5 held a very special awards evening!
To conclude the week of skiing, Year 5 participated in a slalom race and medals! It was great fun and an excellent oppor- tunity to celebrate the progress made throughout the week of skiing.
What a wonderful week, Year 5!
Miss Lily

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