Page 7 - PLP April 2023 Primary
P. 7

Primary April 2023 Wellbeing 07 Primary School Council and Wellbeing
Children are at the heart of our Park Lane school community. As a school we value the thoughts, ideas and opinions of all our children and the School Council is one way of ensuring the voice of the children is heard and has an impact on the devel- opment of the school.
The School Council have an extremely important job to do. They are responsi- ble for the ongoing process of collecting the thoughts, ideas and opinions of the children in school. They bring new ideas forward for how we can improve.
Last term with the help of the School Council we introduced Wellbeing Wednes- day. This is where the children can choose to spend their playtime inside the school hall. The children can have fun drawing, colouring, reading, chatting with their friends or play different board games.
The introduction of the Wellbeing Wednesday has been so successful that the School Council suggested that an- other day in the week takes place where children can choose to spend time their playtime inside instead of outside.
School Council carried out a vote and
the pupils were asked to choose between Mindful Monday or Tranquil Thursday’s. Once all the votes had been gathered the final totals were 106 votes for Mindful Monday and 38 votes for Tranquil Thurs- day. As a result, Mindful Monday was introduced in the Spring term and during playtime the children can enjoy yoga, meditation, reading, colouring and draw- ing. Overall, these initiatives received positive feedback from the children.

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