Page 10 - PLP December 2022 Primary
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10 CAS at Park Lane December 2022 Secondary CAS at Park Lane
CAS, acronym of words Creativity –
Activity – Service is an integral part and core of the IB diploma Programme. CAS helps students develop personal skills life balance, compassion for others and social responsibility through engagement in and reflection on experiential learning and service to others. During the 18 months of IB study our Y12 and Y13 students are asked to choose different ranges of creative, active and service experiences through which they demonstrate their commitment, perse- verance and learn new skills.
One of the most interesting parts of CAS
is a collaborative project which targets at least one from the three CAS strands which is mandatory for each student.
At the moment all our students are fully aware of the CAS expectations and so far are fulfilling them successfully. This year started a long term collaboration with the Sisters of Mercy of St. Boromeo. Some stu- dents keep patients company at the hospital (after having been given a training by the hospital’s staff), some students helped to decorate Christmas cookies with the Sisters of Mercy, while others are teaching English to the patients. More projects are to come, as this is such a great opportunity for our students and the Sisters of Mercy are great- ful for our help.
Here you may find other interesting pro- jects and experiences which are taking place this academic year:
▨ SMILE – supporting orphanage house
in Dolní Počernice (Eliška L., Anna N., Barbora H., Nora F. and more students in Y12)
▨ Colours of charity – Sound of music (will be taken by Y12) – Doctors without bor- ders charity
▨ Chess tournament (Jakub G, Y13)
▨ Music project with another internation-
al school (Jakub H., Alexander D. and
Alex G., Y12)
▨ Leading hack and chess club, MUN and
preparing PLISMUN and much more.
Well done to all our IB students, you have done a splendid job so far.
Iveta Slavětínská, CAS Coordinator