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F R O M   T H E   O U T H O U S E   T O   T H E   L I T T L E   R E D   S C H O O L   H O U S E :  | 268

        Mrs. Ingrid Nathan accompanied her husband on the organ with the divine musical gift that her audiences love. This famous duo
        brilliantly executed all of the music necessary to bring Tajiri’s performances to stage for twenty years.        Their children (Asha and

        Jasmine) were also enrolled at Tajiri. The Nathans even played for my and Carl’s Wedding Ceremony. They never deprived me and

        the Tajiri Arts Family of their extraordinary musical services. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

                                                        ~ Mr. Eugene and Mrs. Sandra Petty ~

        I met the Pettys when I returned home to Sanford from Miami. Our friendship developed through our membership in my home

        church, St. Paul Baptist. I soon learned that Mrs. Petty was a flawless pianist and voice coach. Mrs. Sandra Petty gave her services

        joyfully on many occasions, and I am abundantly thankful for the very special ways that she gave of herself, namely:

               •  Pianist for my solo concert at the Seminole Community College (so named at that time) and other Tajiri Arts performances.
               •  One of the Consultants who agreed with me, when Tajiri Arts was conceived, that the program could definitely be held in

                   my home.

               •  Registrar of students on the first day that Tajiri opened (October 6, 1988) at 104 Hays Drive in Sanford, Florida, which
                   was my home.

               •  Piano Instructor and Lighting Technician at Tajiri Arts.

               •  Ensemble Member along with me and two other dear ladies that comprised The Christians, a quartet that sang spirituals.
                   We held concerts in Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.

        Sandra, along with her husband Eugene, also served Tajiri wonderfully together:

               •  The Pettys were co-sponsors of Tajiri’s final production, Twenty Years of Community Service. They hosted a reception at
                   their home for all of the out-of-town guests. Also, the Gail Harts Dance Company from Portsmouth, Virginia, were invited

                   to our Twenty Years of Community Service in Central Florida because of the monetary contribution made by the Pettys.
               •  The Pettys were actors in some of the Tajiri Arts productions.
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