Page 287 - From the Outhouse 4 -21
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287 | P A T R I C I A R A E M E R R I T T W H A T L E Y
~ Parents That Are Participators ~
The PTAPERs was the best parent organization an after-school program could ever desire! Their service to Tajiri was phenomenal.
The PTAPER organization was administered by Mrs. Terry Britton along with a fantastic team of officers and parents who
cooperated fully on all activities. Mrs. Terry Britton was a super-charged parent who loved serving as the President. I never had to
worry or be concerned about parent fundraisers, field trips (in or out of town), or small issues that concerned parents. Her philosophy
was to handle those issues through the group and avoid calling me. This worked beautifully! She learned my likes and dislikes and
solved minor issues for twenty years. Fortunately, her husband, Pastor Darryl Britton believed in Tajiri also, and he joined her on
many occasions to assist us. It was certainly a family affair because their oldest daughter, Sheena, was one of the original Tajiri Arts
students and their youngest daughter, Jamesha, helped to sew costumes. I cannot express how grateful we have been for your family’s
faithful service!
Mr. Barnes and Mrs. Polly Haws were always on “Ready” whenever we needed them to give their undivided support to Tajiri Arts.
They served as chaperones, often provided transportation, and were the ultimate fundraisers. I could always count on the Haws family
to out-sell everyone for The Donut Fundraisers. They were responsible for ordering the donuts and distributing them to other
parents. Their efforts went beyond the call of duty. They faithfully walked the St. Johns River wall and made sure that the locals who
were fishing at the water’s edge could enjoy a box – or two – of donuts. Their daughter Latressa was an excellent actress, singer, and
play director while enrolled at Tajiri. She was a First Place Oratorical Contest Winner in every competition that she entered whether
local, regional, or state level. Their grandson Demetrius was in the Seminole Boys Glee Club, and their granddaughter Kemonté was
an excellent performer. The Hawses were dedicated members of the Refreshment Committee, who would spend their own money to
make Tajiri’s receptions as elegant as possible (even though we had a lot more receptions than usual).
I would also like to give honorable mention to others who supported the goals and objectives of the PTAPERS: Mr. George and Mrs.