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        plasma-chemical reactor of the arc plasmatron, followed by plasma-chemical reactions and the
        formation of a coating on the product. For the formation of amorphous coatings, liquid reagents
        are used that contain amorphizing elements such as boron and silicon. The coating is applied
        locally on the surface of the article to be hardened by cyclic scanning of the plasma jet that
        touches the treated area. An important distinctive feature of the FPU process is also the fact
        that the coating can be carried out multilayer with a thickness of each layer of the order of 2 -
        20 nm in strips 8 - 15 mm wide (taking into account the linear movement of the plasma jet). In
        order to minimize the thermal effect on the base material during FPU, the plasma jet is moved
        at a speed of 3 - 150 mm / s.
               The  above  plasma  methods  for  processing  materials  are  used  in almost  all  areas  of
        production, primarily due to their maximum efficiency and minimum costs.

        Fig. 11. Complex of the main equipment for finishing plasma hardening (block equipment, plasmatron with a plasma-
        chemical reactor) and the type of application process wear-resistant coatings based on boron and silicon compounds.

                                                                            P.A. Topolyansky, Ph.D. St. Petersburg politechnical
                                                                                  University, Department of Welding and Laser
                                                                                              technologies. NPF "Plazmacer".

        1. Sosnin N.A., Ermakov S.A., Topolyansky P.A. Plasma technology. Manual for engineers. Publishing house of the Polytechnic University.
        SPb.: 2013. 406 p.
        2. Topolyansky P.A. Experience in applying electrospark coatings to cutting tool and die equipment. Metalworking. 2004, No. 6 (24), pp. 37 -

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