Page 15 - DX Summit 2021 White Paper
P. 15
A common error companies incur is when they take digitization
for granted as a mechanical process. The softer, more blatant
side of digitization is equally important. NOTES
“Digitalization is a lot like the pandemic, there’s
no question of whether you’ll get it or not, rather
it’s more about when you would get it.”
Facts To Remember
Anything that can be digitized should be digitized.
Digitization will accelerate the speed of change that
companies face.
Softer side of digitization such as adaptability,
communication, sound leadership cannot be ignored.
Key Takeaways
Digital transformation is not an option, it’s a necessity.
You need to focus on the softer side of things.
Invest time and energy in team adaptability, intuition and
logic, leadership and communication to prepare your human
team to manage your digital needs.
Digital setups will make you alert, proactive and will speed up
your business ROI.
“Learn quickly, fail quickly, and move on quickly”