Page 43 - DX Summit 2021 White Paper
P. 43
Innovation is all about keeping up with the times.
Missed opportunities for financial inclusion in Pakistan: cards,
mobile money operators and intra-market partnerships NOTES
“The actual competition for financial sector is cash”
Key Takeaways
First leap needs to be taken by the customer to improve their
own experience by analyzing their pain points and trying out
alternate providers
It’s time for channel migration; customers need to break their
mental blockages
Account to account money transfer should be immediate,
hassle free and the process crystal clear
Engage in predictive modeling which helps in finding new
ways to acquire new users, and retaining the current users
The cost of interbank transfers should not be the reason the
customer chooses to use cash instead
It can be solved by either giving value or lowering it a to a
DX2021 Provide access to finances including underprivileged women DX2021
point where the cost does not matter
in rural or agricultural spaces