Page 14 - Prueba
P. 14

1.  For each of the cases below, say what type of receptor is
                 involved and why the person responded to the stimuli.    4.  Your parents blindfold you and tell you that they’re taking
                                                                             you out for a surprise on your birthday. While you’re in
                 a)                  Jenny steps outside, but she            the car, you sense that you’re moving.
                                     goes back in to get a coat. It is       a)  Which sensory organ is responsible for this perception?
                                     colder outside than it is inside.       b)  Describe  how  the  sensory  system  responsible  sends
                                                                                information to the brain regarding: acceleration, braking
                                                                                at a traffic light and turning a corner.

                                                                          5.  In the reality television show MasterChef, contestants are
                 b)                  Mary just fell asleep on the            often challenged to do a blind taste test. They are
                                     couch. When Tom covers her              blindfolded and asked to identify certain ingredients that
                                     with a blanket, she wakes up.           they eat. How do the nose and tongue help the contestants
                                                                             to name the ingredients?

                 c)                  Jane gets a surprise bouquet at
                                     work. The fragrance of the
                                     flowers fills the office and
                                     everyone can smell them.

                 d)                  Tony hurt his head while playing
                                     football. The doctor shines a        6.  A young man decides to go jogging in the park. The more
                                     bright light into Tony’s eyes.          he jogs, the quicker his heart rate is. After half an hour, he
                                     Tony blinks.                            stops at a small stall to buy a healthy snack. His heart rate
                                                                             slows gradually to normal.

                                                                             He sits on a bench, opens the seed bar and moves it to his
                 e)                  Little Bobby cried when he fell         mouth. He chews a piece and swallows. His oesophagus
                                                                             pushes the piece of seed bar to his stomach where the
                                     at school and cut his knee.             muscular walls mix the food with digestive juices.
                                                                             a)  What types of muscles are involved in each movement?
                                                                             b)  Which muscles are controlled voluntarily and which
                                                                                are involuntary?
                                                                             c)  Name at least two types of joints in the leg that move
               2.  Place  the  following  events  that  relate  to  how  the  eyes   while the young man is jogging.
                 respond to stimuli, in chronological order. Begin with the
                 moment the eye sees an image and finish when the brain   7.  Look at the pictures below. Briefly describe to a partner
                 responds to the vision.                                     the difference between a ligament and a tendon.
                 a)  The  ciliary  muscles  and  suspensory  ligaments  adjust  the
                 b)  The  eyes  align  and  converge  to  focus  the  image  in  the
                    retina’s centre.
                 c)  An inverted image is focused onto the retina.
                 d)  The brain receives nerve impulses via the optic nerves and   8.  In your spinal column there is cartilage between vertebrae
                    deciphers what we see.
                                                                             (the intervertebral discs) that allows for slight movement
                 e)  The pupils contract or dilate.                          of the vertebrae. They also act as ligaments to hold your
                                                                             vertebrae together, and as shock absorbers.
               3.  Tinnitus is a disorder where you hear certain annoying
                 sounds, like ringing or buzzing, but there are no external      Do some research and discuss at least two consequences
                 sounds present. Do some research and discuss what can       of damage to the intervertebral discs.
                 cause tinnitus and which part of the ear is affected.

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