Page 12 - Prueba
P. 12

10         Prevention and care of the locomotor system

              The locomotor system can be affected by three types of injuries or disorders:

                              BONE INJURIES                                             JOINT INJURIES

                    • Bone fracture. The rupture can be complete                    It is the separation of bones in a joint. If it occurs in
                   or partial (fissure). Fractures must not be                      mobile joints (elbow, shoulder, ankle, knee, etc.), with
                   moved and may need surgery. They can be           Dislocation    the loss of contact between the bones, it is called a
                   caused by blows, and are more likely if you                      dislocation. It should be immobilized and cooled with ice
                   have osteoporosis (loss of bone calcium).                        until the doctor arrives.
                    • Scoliosis. It is the deviation of the spine. It               It is the inflammation of a tendon. It is usually due to
                   can be treated with various measures, from         Tendonitis    overactivity. It needs rest.
                   physical therapy to surgery.
                                                                                    They happen by excessive stretching or twisting of a
                                                                                    ligament. They are classified into three grades (I, II and
                                                                      Injury to     III), ranging from partial distension to total break with
                             MUSCLE INJURIES                          ligaments     bone removal. A strain or twist is called a sprain. They
                                                                                    cause inflammation, bruising and pain.
                    • Muscle cramp. It is an involuntary spasm of
                   a muscle in long-term and excessive efforts.                     It is the inflammation of the joints with swelling and
                   It happens due to lack of oxygenation of the       Arthritis     pain. It can be caused by old age, injury, infection, or
                   muscle, or loss of fluids and salts.                             poor diet.
                    • Muscle distentions, tears, or strains. They                   It is caused by wear and tear of the cartilage at the
                   are tears in the muscle fibres. They are         Osteoarthritis  ends of the bones and joints.
                   caused by strenuous exercises, not warming
                   up properly, or accidents. They usually           Herniated or   It is the displacement of the intervertebral disc, which
                   cause bruising.                                   slipped disc   presses on the nerve causing intense pain and even
                                                                                    neurological damage.

              How can musculoskeletal injuries be prevented?

              Some ways to prevent bone or muscle injuries are:
                  • Maintain proper posture when sitting.
                  • Keep your back straight when lifting heavy items.

                  • Maintain healthy lifestyle habits and avoid becoming overweight.
              It  is  necessary  to  know  the  importance  of  maintaining  correct  postural
              hygiene. When sitting, you should rest your feet on the floor and avoid
              crossing your legs so that blood circulation is not interrupted.

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