Page 13 - FPGA JulyAug20
P. 13

Aside from one-on-one meetings

                    with employees, owners and
                   operators can also encourage
                 team meetings with one another

                or as a group in a virtual setting.

        demonstrated the last few            text messages are being sent,       to let them know their options to
        months.”                             which may not be clear or           build those skill sets.
                                             concise, or multiple messages           “If they don’t know they’re
        Avoid communication                  are being sent about the same       doing anything incorrectly (and
        roadblocks                           subject matter. This then creates   how that’s impacting business),
            Without question, there are      inefficiencies and confusion        they’re less likely to personally
        roadblocks to effective remote,      between employers and               invest in training and gain
        online communication.                employees.”                         anything from it,” she continues.
            When employees are in               To solve these issues, Allen     “It’s an investment that’s not
        their offices, they can ask co-      advises propane employers           only worthwhile for internal
        workers or managers questions        to train their staff members        communications, but externally
        “in the moment.” But during          (and themselves) on how to          – with your customers – as well.”
        the COVID-19 remote work,            be effective communicators
        that in-person interaction is        in this increasingly digital and    Keep communication
        completely gone and, with it,        remote world. No experts for the    lines open
        any body language or voice           training are necessary. Neither is      When it comes to remote
        inflection, according to Aimee       in-person training. Instead, Allen   work, shifting to digital only
        Allen, founder of Degree Days        suggests that employers utilize     and maintaining lines of
        Consulting.                          the training offerings from local   communication from a distance,
            “Add to it the phenomena         and national organizations.         Allen believes employees
        that takes place by virtue of           “Knowledge is power. You         should embrace the fact that
        being ‘away,’ in that it just feels   have to first identify where the   it’s OK not to have all of the
        like you can’t get an immediate      ineffective communications are      answers. To keep lines of
        answer,” she stresses. “What’s       in your organization,” she adds.
        happening is that emails or          “Then, work with those people                   continued on next page

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