Page 11 - FPGA JulyAug20
P. 11
Industry Events,
track effectiveness (particularly Communication Move
should be boosted and how to
driving greater engagement Online
with Facebook posts so that
algorithms lead to more views). By: Chris Lewis
He suggests retailers should
concentrate on creating
successful Facebook pages
first, and then dedicate more
time to other social media
Improve reputation man-
agement. Retailers should
focus on receiving as many
five-star reviews on Google
and other sites as possible.
Goldberg adds that there are
many effective ways to do so,
along with responding well to
negative reviews. ince mid-March, when COVID-19 began to spread throughout
Consider paid advertis- the United States and President Donald Trump instituted a
ing on Google and Facebook. Stravel ban to and from various countries, the entire world has
Goldberg has found that, when learned that it can do more remotely – and, in turn, online – than it
compared to traditional media ever thought possible.
like direct mail, newspapers Consumers can order anything from a smartphone app and
and radio, propane retailers receive delivery the same or next day. All forms of commerce can
receive more “bang for their be conducted remotely. And people are taking full advantage of the
buck” when they advertise on technologies that enable them to do more in less time.
The propane industry is part of this transition, as the coronavirus
Google and Facebook. “All ads pandemic has forced it to conduct more operations online and
track back to retailers’ web- remotely than ever before. This shift online has taken place in
sites and landing pages, so several areas, particularly for events and meetings, and interactions
they really need to be de- between employers and employees.
signed to impress and convert The following examples and suggestions showcase the ways in
interest to action,” he says. which this shift has recently occurred in the propane industry, how
employers and employees have reacted, and what the industry can
expect to transpire in the future.
com, Chris Lewis July 28,2020 Virtual events and meetings
In June 2019, Bill Stomp, president and founder of
For more information and, began to research
the potential for an online propane industry trade show and
CLICK HERE purchased online domain names.
At the time, Stomp wanted to serve the industry by helping all
propane marketers attend a national expo, in spite of their busy
So he developed, an online trade show
continued on next page
July/August 2020 Propane Magazine 11