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Industry News

        Propane Retailers Prepare to

        Enhance Their Online Presence

        By: Chris Lewis

               s a result of COVID-19        Gray & Gray.                        business in the COVID-19 era.
               and the increase in               With this in mind, Richard      In fact, failure to actively man-
        Aonline activity, propane            Goldberg, president of Warm         age their rankings may be one
        retailers need to pay more           Thoughts Communication,             of the biggest mistakes that
        attention to their online pres-      advises propane retailers to        propane retailers make.
        ence in order to capture more        enhance their online presence           Use social media to
        customers and grow their busi-       in the following ways.              effectively grow brands.
        nesses long term.                       Manage search engine op-         Aside from branding, social
        “Retailers must understand           timization (SEO) continuously.      media should also be utilized
        that the game has changed            Goldberg stresses that retail-      to advertise, connect with
        and that consumer behaviors          ers must focus on increas-          customers and shape public
        and expectations will be differ-     ing the number of keywords          perceptions. Goldberg
        ent going forward,” says Marty       their websites rank for with        believes there’s a strategy
        Kirshner, director and energy        Google, or else they’ll miss out    to all of it too: what’s posted,
        practice group chair at Gray,        on future opportunities to win      how often, when certain posts


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