Page 6 - FPGA JulyAug20
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        2020 FPGA “Ken Monska” Propane Safety

        School now a virtual event!

        When: November 2-6, 2020

        Where: Online
        Event Details:

        Registrations                        Class set up                           for these trainings soon and
           D  If you have already regis-     	  D  Each student will have a         highly recommend all regis-
           tered for the school, you have       personalized login to join the      trants join at least one of the
           two options.                         classes each day                    trainings to ensure a smooth
                • You can attend the         	  D  Instructors will be live on      start on the first day of the
              web-based course with             webcam while showing their          school
              no additional fees or             presentations                    	  D  Items to be covered dur-
                • You can cancel your        	  D  Students will have the           ing the pre-trainings
              registration and request a        ability to post/ask questions           • How to login
              refund                            throughout the class                    • How to ask a question
        	  D  New students can com-                                                     • How to make sure they
           plete the updated registra-       Testing                                     receive full credit for at-
           tion form that reflects the       	  D  The State is in the pro-              tending
           change to a web-based                cess of setting up 20 remote            • Any additional ques-
           event                                testing facilities and this in-          tions students may have
                                                formation will be distributed
        Books and materials                     to all students as soon as it is   Certificates for CEUs
        	  D  Students that are reg-            available.                       	  D  Students will have to stay
           istered for full course will      	  D  If you have already              online throughout the en-
           be mailed code books and             registered and paid to take a       tire class to receive full CEU
           copies of presentations in           test (through FPGA/Calhoun          credit
           advance                              Management), your testing               • This is documented
        	  D  Students that are regis-          fees will be refunded                    and reported though our
           tered for CEUs only will be                                                   GoToWebinar software
           mailed copies of presen-          Pre-trainings                       	  D  List of times attended
           tations in advance (these         	  D  FPGA will offer several          will be provided to the State
           students do not receive code         webinar trainings for stu-          for backup support of CEUs
           books)                               dents to understand how the      	  D  We will provide certifi-
                                                web-based platform works.           cates to all students listing
                                                We will send dates and times        the courses they attended

                                            Save the Dates

          2020 FPGA Fall Committee &                             2020 “Ken Monska” Propane
                    Board Meetings                                          Safety School
                 October 28-29, 2020                                    November 2-6, 2020

                         Virtual Event                                          Virtual Event


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