Page 14 - FPGA NovDec20
P. 14
Q. What should the reduced run rates, The U.S. remains in imported into the U.S.
U.S. propane industry which, as we know, the position of being an and propane exported
understand about the means less propane exporter to the world out of the U.S. to make
global LPG industry? production in those as supply seems to the finished goods.
regions. be abundant. With the The global LPG
A. The U.S. propane With the U.S. infrastructure build market is active and
industry needs to seeing more propane in the U.S., there is will likely remain that
understand that a production coming capacity to continue way over the next
tremendous amount of from natural gas, this to export and fulfill 12 months. If the
money has been spent puts the U.S. in a great demand needs in Asia. U.S. makes a strong
over the past handful position to export and The arbitrage between economic recovery,
of years to move supplement other the U.S. and Asia it is likely global LPG
propane out of the U.S. countries’ needs as remains in good shape, consumption will go
to other parts of the refinery operations run and there is nothing to up, and the U.S. will be
world. at lower capacity rates. tell the industry in the feeding a big piece of
Over the next six Globally, China is near term that the price that consumption.
to 12 months, the U.S. getting back to pre- spread will break down
export market for COVID-19 economic in the next six months SOURCE: www.
propane should be numbers. With several or so.,
robust and steady. new chemical plants It is more likely November 26,2020
With the worldwide coming online, the as we get past the
shutdown since spring, market should see election season that For more information
the U.S. has been increased need for economic recovery
able to move propane propane for these could start to pick up CLICK HERE
out of the country plants over the next 12 across the U.S. going
as refineries in other to 24 months. into 2021. This will
regions of the world impact finished goods
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14 Propane Magazine November/December 2020