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making it hard to find what is       on turning passive website visits   explained. “Now, most web
        needed. Do’s include featuring       into action?” He said that inviting   searches are being done from
        customer reviews, pictures of        calls, form submits, and chats      a mobile device and the advice
        real people, making navigation       are key tools for mobilizing new    is ‘mobile-first,’ meaning sites
        easy, a current design, addition     customers.                          should be designed first and
        of live chat, content that is           Another key point Corbett        foremost for the mobile screen
        organized and helpful, mobile        made was the importance of          and adjustable to the desktop or
        optimization, an answer to the       site performance in a mobile        laptop screen. Ninety percent of
        question “Why us?,” and a                                                       people will move on from
        call to action.                                                                 your site if the mobile
            Corbett noted that      “Now, most web searches are being  experience is bad; 88% of
        factors most customers      done from a mobile device and the  people won’t come back
        look for include               advice is ‘mobile-first,’ meaning               after a bad experience.” —
        dependability, safety,                                                         Pat Thornton
        reasonable prices,           sites should be designed first and
        niceness, easiness/           foremost for the mobile screen...                SOURCE: www.bpnews.
        convenience, and                                                               com, November,2020
        efficiency. Overrated features       environment. He pointed
        are family owned, local, and         out that websites used to be              For more information
        cheapest.                            designed first and foremost for
            “Can customers interact with     desktop and laptop computer                  CLICK HERE
        the website?” Corbett asked.         screens. “Later it was stressed
        “Can customers pay on the site?      that websites should also be
        Is there a virtual showroom for      ‘mobile-friendly,’ meaning
        hearth products, grills, water       the site should be adjustable
        heaters, etc.? Are you focused       to a mobile device,” Corbett


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                 TRI STATE
                 DISTRIBU TO RS
                   Serving Florida:
                     Jim Daus

                   Melissa Everatt


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