Page 12 - FPGA NovDec20
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they are responsible, as well as painted with reflective colors. illegal in certain jurisdictions.
the additional safety services In addition, they should never What I do mean is that they
offered as part of gas delivery paint over the data plate, valve have to protect and secure their
contracts. Communicate that gauges or warning labels. tanks and appurtenances from
your company may not deliver Otherwise, the tank may not be all sorts of extreme weather. For
gas should they own their tank filled. example, tanks located in flood
because of the potential plains must be anchored.
liability of delivering This holds true for some
propane into a system Educated customers are safe earthquake-prone areas,
over which you have no customers because such knowledge as well.
control. gives them peace of mind about As for underground
their propane systems. tanks, their domes must
Action items be protected from any
Here are other items potential vehicle strikes,
to discuss with homeowners Inform customers of their which can cause a potentially
before they make decisions responsibilities to protect their dangerous gas leak.
about leasing or owning their tanks. And I don’t mean those In addition, customers must
tanks. fake boulders some folks use protect their underground tanks
Folks love to paint their to cover the tank for aesthetic from corrosion. In many states, if
tanks. We’ve seen everything purposes. Explain to them that your tank was installed after Jan.
from flying pigs to yellow in the case of an emergency, 1, 2011, the tank must be tested
submarines. And they do look it will be difficult to locate the as follows:
super cool, no doubt. But many tank and that escaping propane
propane homeowners may can accumulate within the • Within six months of
not know that tanks must be faux boulder. This may even be installation.
• 12 to 18 months after the
initial test.
• At least three years after a
second successful test.
Educated customers are
safe customers because such
knowledge gives them peace
of mind about their propane
Such customers can also
provide propane professionals
with that same peace of
The National Propane Gas Foundation (NPGF) offers mind, knowing that they are
college scholarships to children of employees who in control of maintaining the
work at NPGA or state propane gas association member tank, providing value to their
companies. NPGF offers $1,000 and $2,000 scholarships customers and limiting their
to students who intend to pursue continuing education liability.
through two-year and four-year colleges as well as
vocational, technical, and trade school programs. Email SOURCE: www.lpgasmagazine. to obtain your company NPGA member com, Stuart Flatow, November
number. 30,2020
For more information
to apply.
12 Propane Magazine November/December 2020