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Automation Fact Sheet                                                          November 2021

       How to Create A New Package

          1)  Select the Carrier
          2)  Select “Create Package”

                                                                            Enter Policy Number
                                                                            Enter Customer Info

                                                                          Mobile Number (10 Digits)

                                                                    Language – Communication to Customer

                                                                  By default, this Agent will be the signing agent

                                                          Note – The Insurance Application form has the following Automation:
                                                             •   Signature Blocks and Date Fields populated. For both the Customer

                                                                and Agent

                                                             •   Insurance Cards – Automatically identified by the application. (The
                                                                system will “hide” them from the client until package is signed

                                                                         Upload the Application Form

                                                               Select the optional documents to include for Signing

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