Page 4 - Employee Handbook
P. 4



              Our Mission: A-MAX’s mission is to simplify insurance for our customers and provide them with the best options at a low
              cost, while providing the best customer service.

              Our Vision: A-MAX’s vision is to be the first choice for our customers for all of their insurance needs. We would like to
              increase  our  statewide  presence  and  become  a  leading  Insurance  Service  Provider  in  Texas  within  the  Non-Standard
              Insurance Market.

            1.2  PURPOSE OF HANDBOOK

              This Handbook is designed to acquaint you with A-MAX Auto Insurance and provide you with information about working
              conditions, employee benefits, and some of the policies affecting your employment. This Handbook is not a contract and
              is not intended to create any contractual or legal obligations. Please understand that this booklet only highlights Company
              policies, practices, and benefits for your personal understanding. It describes many of your responsibilities as an employee
              and outlines the programs developed by A-MAX Auto Insurance to benefit employees. One of our objectives is to provide
              a work environment that is conducive to both personal and professional growth.

              No Handbook can anticipate every circumstance or question about policy. As A-MAX Auto Insurance continues to grow,
              the need may arise and A-MAX Auto Insurance reserves the right to revise, supplement, or rescind any policies or portion
              of the Handbook from time to time as it deems appropriate, in its sole and absolute discretion. A-MAX Auto Insurance will
              take steps to keep employees informed of changes to the Handbook as they occur; however, employees have an obligation
              to stay informed of current Handbook information by reviewing the most recent version from time-to-time or as questions
              arise. Copies of the most recent Handbook are available from the human resources contact for each individual company.

              Customers are among our organization’s most valuable assets. Every employee represents A-MAX Auto Insurance to our
              customers and the public. The way we do our jobs presents an image of our entire organization. Therefore, nothing is more
              important  than  being  courteous,  friendly,  helpful,  and  prompt  in  the  attention  you  give  to  customers.  A-MAX  Auto
              Insurance will provide customer relations and services training to all employees with extensive focus on customer service.
              Positive customer relations not only enhance the public’s perception or image of our Company, but also pay off in greater
              customer loyalty and increased sales and profit.


              In keeping with the Company’s philosophy of open communication, all employees have the right and are encouraged to
              speak freely with management about their job-related concerns.

              We urge you to go directly to your supervisor to discuss your job-related ideas, recommendations, concerns and other
              issues that are important to you. If, after talking with your supervisor, you feel the need for additional discussion, you are
              encouraged to reach out to the Corporate Office.

                         Version   V4      Last Update   08-20-19   Department   Operations Dept & HR

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