Page 7 - HWS 2021 Benefit Guide
P. 7

Medical and pharmacy coverage

                                                   BCBSTX HSA Plan                       BCBSTX PPO Plan
         Benefits                                     In-Network                            In-Network

         Lifetime Maximum Benefit                      Unlimited                             Unlimited

         Calendar Year Deductible

         Individual                                     $3,000                                 $750

         Family                                         $6,000                                $1,500
         Coinsurance Percentage                          100%                                  80%

         Out of Pocket Maximum (Include Deductible and Copays)

         Individual                                     $3,000                                $4,000

         Family                                         $6,000                                $8,000

         Physician's Office Visit
         (Primary Care)                          Deductible + Coinsurance                    $25 Copay

         Specialist's Office Visit               Deductible + Coinsurance                    $40 Copay

                                                    Covered at 100%                       Covered at 100%
         Wellness Exams
                                                       No Copay                              No Copay
         Urgent Care                             Deductible + Coinsurance                    $50 Copay

         Emergency Room                          Deductible + Coinsurance             $150 Copay + Coinsurance

         Outpatient Surgery                      Deductible + Coinsurance              Deductible + Coinsurance

         Hospital/Inpatient Surgery              Deductible + Coinsurance              Deductible + Coinsurance
         Virtual Visits                              Deductible Only                         $25 Copay

         Prescription Drug Coverage

         Tier 1                                  Deductible + Coinsurance                       $10

         Tier 2                                  Deductible + Coinsurance                       $30

         Tier 3                                  Deductible + Coinsurance                       $60

         Tier 4                                  Deductible + Coinsurance                      $150
         Mail Order (90 Day Supply)              2 x Retail (90-Day Supply)           2.5x Retail (90-Day Supply)

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