Page 8 - HWS 2021 Benefit Guide
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Medical plan resources
BCBSTX 24/7 Nurseline Virtual Visits with BCBSTX
Health happens – good or bad, 24 hours a day, seven days With your Virtual Visits benefit, provided by Blue Cross
a week. That is why we have registered nurses waiting to and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) and powered by
talk to you whenever you call our 24/7 Nurseline. MDLIVE, the doctor is in 24/7/365. You can see a doctor
or behavioral health specialist without leaving the comfort
Our nurses can answer your health questions and try to of your own home.
help you decide whether you should go to the emergency
room or urgent care center or make an appointment Virtual Visits allows you to consult an independently
with your doctor. You can also call the 24/7 Nurseline contracted, board-certified doctor or therapist for
whenever you or your covered family members need non-emergency situations by phone, mobile app or online
answers to health questions about: video anytime, anywhere. Speak to a doctor or schedule an
• Asthma appointment at a time that works best for you.
• Dizziness or severe headaches Prepare for the Unexpected—
• Cuts or burns
• Back pain Activate Your MDLIVE Account Now!
• High fever There is no charge to set up your account.
• Sore throat If you are on the BCBSTX PPO plan, you will pay a $25
• Diabetes Copay per virtual visit.
• A baby’s nonstop crying
• And much more On the BCBSTX HSA Plan, virtual visits are covered at 100%
after the plan year deductible is met.
Plus when you call, you can access an audio library of more
than 1,000 health topics – from allergies to surgeries – Activate your account - pick the way that is easiest for you:
with more than 500 topics available in Spanish. • Call MDLIVE at 888-680-8646
• Go to
Call the 24/7 Nuseline number on the back of your
member ID card anytime. • Text BCBSTX to 635-483
• Download the MDLIVE app