Page 70 - Labyrinth--Suburban Stardust
P. 70
Silence. Then words. Then silence once again. A monotonous voice speaks in reit- eration of the same words over and over and over. Then silence. Again. And again. And again. The significance of repeti-
tion seems pointless now. And from there the mind goes on a journey through the thoughts of the world. A blank void wait- ing to be filled with theories and mysteries waiting to be solved. Staring into the real- istic illusions of life. Does alien life truly exist? How long have we been here? How much time has passed? Is there more? Is knowledge truly infinite? How much do we know? And this is the limitless void
of thoughts. From mystery, to question, from the solution to another mystery. From there, onto a theory. From a theory into questioning the truth. Do we know the whole truth? And then a question is asked. A question; not of mystery, not of illusions, but of reality. The interesting journey has stopped.
Here my friends is the cause of bore- dom. And so this question that was asked in the end, by who? By the cause of the boredom by the boredom of the voice that had caused the boredom which had started your journey. They say that crazy people don’t know that they are crazy and if they think they are crazy then they are not truly crazy. If someone is crazy and they say that they are crazy does that make
them not crazy? See? This is a theory, and you seem to question the truth of that theory, yes? If you have, then you have entered that limitless void. An interroga- tion of the mind from your mind. Ques- tion after question and then a clue. Then another. And then a question. Back to the voice. This voice had caused this journey and it had also ended it for you.
You might know what happens next. So think. And then thank the voice. Why? Think and you’ll find out. Need a clue? Pay attention. That is your clue.
Author: Mariam Hassan