Page 88 - Amata-one-report2020-en
P. 88

Analysis of Cash Flows                                                           (Unit : Million Baht)

                                                               Year        Year        Increase/(Decrease)
                                                               2020        2019      Million Baht     %

              Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of period   1,074.4   1,151.8   (77.4)       (6.7)

              Net cash flows from operating activities        1,136.9     2,388.4     (1,251.5)      (52.4)

              Net cash flows used in investing activities    (3,766.2)   (3,296.9)      (469.3)      14.2

              Cash flows from financing activities            2,590.8     1,437.5      1,153.3       80.2

              Dividend paid to the shareholders               (499.6)      (504.1)         4.5        (0.9)

              Increase / decrease in translation adjustments    22.5       (102.3)       124.8      (122.0)

              Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents   (515.6)   (77.4)   (438.2)     566.1

              Cash and cash equivalents at the end of period   558.8      1,074.4       (515.6)      (48.0)

                1.  Cash inflows from operating activities for the year 2020 of Baht 1,136.9 million which decreased by Baht
                   1,251.5 million, compared to the same period of the year earlier. The decrease was mainly due to that our
                   customers were unable to travel internationally to proceed with the transfer of title deeds during the COVID-19
                   pandemic situation.

                2.  Cash outflows from investing activities for the year 2020 of Baht 3,766.2 million, increased by Baht 469.3 million
                   from the year 2019, was derived by an increase in investment in joint ventures and investment property.

                3.  Cash inflows from financing activities for the current year was Baht 2,590.8 million, increased by Baht 1,153.3
                   million from the prior year. During 2020, the Company and its subsidiaries increased net borrowing Baht
                   1,693.7 million comparing to the year 2019, and increased from long-term debentures net Baht 1,000 million
                   by the Company issues the long-term debentures totaling Baht 2,000 million and redeemed the senior and
                   unsecured debenture totaling Baht 1,000 million, included the increased in share capital with the Ministry of

                   Commerce and received cash Baht 979.4 million.

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