Page 29 - Driving Commercial Vehicles Manual
P. 29

driving commercial vehicles

                                              the insurance covers you to drive the vehicle (if you are renting a vehicle,
                                              the rental agreement must name you as a driver). Make sure there is a
                                              CVIP inspection decal and report in the vehicle, if required.

                                          6.  Seatbelts not working or frayed — for your road test, make sure both
                                              the driver and passenger seatbelts work properly, and that the seating
                                              area is clean.

                                          7.  Unsafe tires — make sure the tires are in good condition, have plenty of
                                              tread, are properly inflated, and there are no flat tires. Temporary spare
                                              tires may not be used on a road test (they are intended only to get the
                                              vehicle to the nearest repair shop at reduced speeds so that the proper
                                              tire can be repaired or replaced).

                                          8.  Doors or windows not operating — for safety reasons both the driver’s
                                              side and passenger side doors must open and close properly, from both
                                              the inside and the outside. There are times on the road test that you or
                                              the driver examiner may need to open a window, so they need to function

                                          9.  Faulty exhaust — a leaking exhaust pipe or missing muffler is unsafe and
                                              dangerous — it may cause carbon monoxide poisoning. Excessively loud
                                              mufflers are illegal and interfere with conducting your road test.
                                          10. No wheel blocks — these are required to safely secure large commercial
                                              vehicles to conduct a pre-trip inspection.

                                          Also, remember to bring tools and equipment to conduct the pre-trip
                                          inspection, including wrenches, a pry bar, chalk or marker, and a watch/timer
                                          to check air brakes. You should also wear sturdy clothing, a hard hat, eye
                                          protection, boots, and a safety vest.
                                          As well, make sure your vehicle is clean and tidy inside, and that lights and
                                          windows are clean.
                    warning!              Loose objects inside can be dangerous if you have to stop suddenly, so these
                                          should be removed or stored.
               Driving School Code of
               ICBC expects all Driver    Retest
               Training Schools and       If you fail any of your tests see the inside cover at the front of this guide for
               instructors to comply with our   the standard waiting periods between retests. Visit for the contact
               Code of Conduct, which sets   phone numbers to book commercial road tests.
               out principles and guidelines
               for them to operate in a
               lawful and ethical manner.  Commercial driver training
               ICBC licensed Driving Schools
               deliver professional training   Becoming a safe commercial driver requires both education and practical
               and are expected to provide   experience. You may decide that driver training will help you to get the
               a safe environment for     necessary knowledge and skills.
               their students and conduct
               themselves with dignity and   Driver training instructors must meet ICBC licensing and testing standards
               respect for all persons.   before they receive a licence to provide driving instruction.
               Learn more about our       Check that the driver training school licence and the licence of each driver
               Driving School Code of     training instructor employed by the facility is displayed at the school’s office.
               Conduct at
               DScodeofconduct.           Each school must also post a bond for the financial protection of their

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