Page 24 - Driving Commercial Vehicles Manual
P. 24

chapter 1 — getting your driver’s licence

                                                  - We’ll conduct a vision and medical screening. You’ll be asked questions
                      fast fact                   relating to your medical health — you must disclose any known medical
                 The licensing process to
                 obtain a Class 1, 2, 3 or 4   3.  You’ll receive your learner’s licence after successfully completing all of
                 driver’s licence, a heavy      Step 2, unless you have a medical condition that requires pre-approval.
                 trailer endorsement, house     The learner’s licence is valid for one year and allows you to practise driving
                 trailer endorsement or an      with a supervisor. The supervisor must be at least 19 years old and hold
                 air brake endorsement          the appropriate licence for the vehicle you’re practising on (for example,
                 is conducted entirely in       hold a Class 1 driver’s licence if you’re practising on a Class 1 tractor-trailer
                 English. You must be able to   combination). The supervisor must sit beside you or immediately behind
                 communicate in both spoken     and to the right if there’s no seat beside the driver’s seat.
                 and written English without
                 assistance.                    When operating a bus, taxi, ride-hailing vehicle or ambulance with a
                                                learner’s licence, no passengers permitted other than your supervisor
                                                and other learners being trained to operate the same class of vehicle
                                                and who hold the same class of learner’s licence.
                                            4.  Practise with an appropriately licensed driver and/or attend a driver
                                                training school.
                                            5.  When you’re ready, phone your driver licensing office to schedule your
                                                road test. Be sure to ask about the type of vehicle you must bring for your
                                                road test. You should also ask how your vehicle must be loaded.
                                            6.  Take your road test, which includes a pre-trip inspection test (and an air
                                                brake pre-trip inspection test if your vehicle has air brakes).
                                                Note: You must bring the same type of identification you used to apply
                                                for your learner’s licence (Step 2) and the fee for your road test.

                      fast fact             7.  Pay the fee for your new driver’s licence. You’ll receive a temporary licence
                                                after you pass all your licensing tests. You’ll also be given a Driver’s
                                                Medical Examination Report form.
                 For more information
                 on medical and vision      8.  Take the medical form to a B.C.-licensed physician who knows your
                 standards, contact             medical history. The doctor who examines you completes the form and
                 RoadSafetyBC. For the          sends it to RoadSafetyBC. RoadSafetyBC will determine whether you’re fit
                 phone number, see chapter      to drive commercial vehicles.
                 13, for more information.
                                                Note: The doctor’s fee for completing a routine medical form is not
                                                covered by the Medical Services Plan of B.C., ICBC or RoadSafetyBC.

                                            How to apply for a heavy trailer endorsement

                                            A heavy trailer endorsement (code 20) for a Class 4 or 5 driver’s licence allows
                                            you to tow trailers of any weight provided that neither the truck nor trailer has
                                            air brakes. To apply for the endorsement:

                                            1.  Study the applicable chapters of this guide to prepare for the knowledge
                                            2.  Apply for a learner’s licence at a driver licensing office.
                                                  - You’ll need to present one piece of primary and one piece of secondary
                                                  identification as listed (see inside of back cover)
                                                  - You’ll need to pay the knowledge test fee and take the knowledge and
                                                  road signs tests
                                                  - We’ll conduct a vision and medical screening. You’ll be asked questions
                                                  relating to your medical health — you must disclose any known medical

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