Page 21 - Driving Commercial Vehicles Manual
P. 21

driving commercial vehicles

                   definitions                    Class                   Vehicle type            Minimum
               A special activity bus is   Class 4 (unrestricted)  •  Buses with a maximum seating capacity of   19
               operated for a school,                            25 persons (including the driver), including
               and doesn’t run on a set                          school buses, special activity buses and
               schedule.                                         special vehicles used to transport people
                                                                 with disabilities.
               A special vehicle has a                         •  Taxis, limousines and ride-hailing vehicles.
               seating capacity of 10 or                       •  Ambulances.
               fewer people (including the                     •  Any motor vehicle or combination of
               driver), and is designed or                       vehicles in Class 5.
               modified to provide public
               transportation for people   Class 4 (restricted)  •  Taxis, limousines and ride-hailing vehicles   19
               with disabilities.                                (up to 10 persons including the driver).
                                                               •   Ambulances.
                                                               •   Special vehicles with a seating capacity
                   driving tip                                   of not more than 10 persons (including
                                                                 the driver) used to transport people with
               For more information on                         •   Any motor vehicle or combination of
               towing recreational trailers                      vehicles in Class 5.
               and getting a house trailer   Class 5 or 7*     •  Two-axle vehicles including cars, vans,   16
               endorsement, see Towing                           trucks and tow trucks.
               a recreational trailer on                       •  Trailers or towed vehicles may not exceed
                                              4,600 kg.
                                                               •  Motorhomes (including those with more
                                                                 than two axles).
                     fast fact                                 •  Limited-speed motorcycles** and all-terrain
                                                                 vehicles (ATVs).
                                                               •  Passenger vehicles used as school buses
               Ride-hailing, also known                          with seating capacity of not more than
               as transportation network                         10 persons (including the driver).
               services (TNS), connects                        •  Construction and utility vehicles.
               drivers to passengers who                       •   Three-wheeled vehicles — does not
               book and pay online through                       include three-wheeled motorcycles (trikes)
               an app.                                           or motorcycle/sidecar combinations.
                                                               •  Does not include Class 4 vehicles or
                    definition             Class 6 or 8*       •  Motorcycles, all-terrain cycles, all-terrain   16
                                                                 vehicles (ATVs).
               Construction vehicles
               include tractors, graders,
               loaders, shovels, rollers,   Class 4 or 5       •  Trailers or towed vehicles exceeding    18
               scrapers or other self-     with heavy trailer    4,600 kg provided neither the truck nor
               propelled road building     endorsement (code 20)  trailer has air brakes.
               machine used for highway                        •  Any motor vehicle or combination of
               grading, paving or other                          vehicles in Class 5.
               construction work. Trucks,
               truck-tractors, mobile truck   Class 4 or 5 with house   •  Recreational (house) trailers exceeding   18
               cranes or truck-mounted     trailer endorsement    4,600 kg provided neither the truck nor
               backhoes with three or more   (code 07 – formerly code 51)  trailer has air brakes.
               axles aren’t included.                          •  Any motor vehicle or combination of
                                                                 vehicles in Class 5.

                                          *   Drivers in B.C.’s Graduated Licensing Program are issued Class 7 and/or
                                             Class 8 driver’s licences.
                                          **   Limited-speed motorcycles can be operated with any class of driver’s
                                             licence. See for more information.

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