Page 22 - Driving Commercial Vehicles Manual
P. 22

chapter 1 — getting your driver’s licence

                                            Medical fitness

                                            Commercial drivers need to be in good physical condition. When you apply
                                            for a commercial driver’s licence, heavy trailer endorsement or industrial air
                                            brake endorsement you’ll:
                                            •  be asked if you have certain medical conditions that may affect your fitness
                                              and ability to hold a commercial driver’s licence.
                                            •  be required to complete a declaration form regarding medical conditions.
                                            •  be given a Driver’s Medical Examination form that your doctor needs to
                                              complete and send to RoadSafetyBC. The Superintendent will review the
                                              information on the form to determine your fitness to hold a commercial
                                              driver’s licence.

                                            •  be required to complete a vision screening (see below for details).
                                            If you’ve any questions about a medical condition and whether it may affect
                                            your fitness to hold a commercial driver’s licence, contact RoadSafetyBC.

                                            Commercial drivers are required to meet a higher vision standard than Class 5
                                            drivers. Your vision will be screened at a driver licensing office when you apply
                                            for a learner’s licence. If a problem is found, you may be required to have your
                                            eyes examined by an ophthalmologist or optometrist.
                                            Your vision will be checked to measure:
                                            •   your ability to read from a distance (visual acuity)
                      fast fact
                                            •   your ability to see objects on each side of you (peripheral vision)
                 Applicants who need contact   •   your ability to tell how close objects are (depth perception)
                 lenses or eyeglasses to meet
                 the required vision standards   •   whether you have double vision (diplopia)
                 must use those lenses during
                 their vision screenings.   •   your ability to distinguish red, green and amber (colour perception).

                                            Air brake endorsement

                      fast fact             To operate vehicles equipped with air brakes on a highway (other than a
                                            vehicle defined as a construction vehicle), you must have a B.C. driver’s
                 An applicant who fails to   licence with an air brake endorsement (code 15).
                 qualify on the air brake   An air brake endorsement is also required to operate most vehicles equipped
                 knowledge test after three   with air-over-hydraulic brakes. See chapter 8, air brakes, for details about this
                 attempts must complete or   type of braking system.
                 repeat an approved 7-hour
                 air brake training course.  Endorsement code 15 is shown in the “restrictions” section of a driver’s
                 The air brake knowledge    licence.
                 test results are only valid
                 for one year. Drivers who   How to apply for an air brake endorsement
                 haven’t had the air brake
                 endorsement placed on      1.  Complete an air brake course. These are a minimum of 7 hours in length
                 their driver’s licence within   and are available at many driving schools, community colleges and other
                 one year of passing the air    sites. When you complete the course, you’ll be given a certificate or other
                 brake knowledge test will
                 need to re-take it.            proof of course completion.
                                            2.  Study the applicable sections of this guide to prepare for the air brake
                                                endorsement tests.

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