Page 23 - Driving Commercial Vehicles Manual
P. 23
driving commercial vehicles
3. Apply for an air brake endorsement at a driver licensing office. You’ll
need to:
- present primary and secondary identification (acceptable identification
is listed on the inside back cover)
- provide proof of air brake experience (for example, an air brake
certificate showing that you have completed an air brake course)
- pay the knowledge test fee
- take the air brake knowledge test.
4. Make an appointment to take the air brake pre-trip inspection test.
5. Take your air brake pre-trip inspection test. A road test is not required.
You’ll need to bring a vehicle equipped with air brakes to take this test.
Note: You must bring the same type of identification used to apply for
your air brake endorsement (see Step 3).
6. You’ll receive a temporary licence with an air brake endorsement after
passing all of the tests and paying the fee for your new driver’s licence.
fast fact Your new photo licence will be mailed to you.
You must provide proof that How to apply for a Class 1, 2, 3 or 4 driver’s
you have an acceptable
driving record before you licence
can get a commercial class Commercial drivers must meet a high standard. Before you begin the
driver’s licence.
application process, you must meet these prerequisites:
If you have held a B.C.
driver’s licence for the past • hold or have held a full-privilege licence that is a minimum of a Class 5 or
three years, ICBC will check Class 6, or an out-of-province equivalent
your B.C. driving record to
confirm that you have an • have an acceptable driving record that shows:
acceptable driving record. - fewer than four offences that carry penalty points in the previous two
If you have held a driver’s years
licence from another - zero motor-vehicle-related Criminal Code convictions in the previous
jurisdiction during the past
three years, you’ll need to three years
get a driver’s abstract from • meet the minimum age requirements (see Licence classes chart)
that jurisdiction.
• have no outstanding fines or debts owed to the Court, the Government
For more information
about getting an acceptable or ICBC including outstanding liquor fines, tolls and arrears with the
abstract, call ICBC at B.C. Family Maintenance Enforcement Program
• meet the required medical standards (see details later in this chapter).
These steps outline the process of applying for a commercial licence:
fast fact 1. Study the applicable chapters of this guide to prepare for the knowledge
Every carrier you work for 2. Apply for a learner’s licence at a driver licensing office.
is required to check your - You’ll need to present one piece of primary and one piece of secondary
driving record before hiring identification (see inside of back cover)
you and once a year after
hiring you. - We’ll check your driving record to ensure you’ve no more than the
allowed number of penalty points in the past two years and no motor-
vehicle-related Criminal Code convictions in the past three years
- You’ll need to pay the knowledge test fee and take the knowledge and
road signs tests