Page 26 - Driving Commercial Vehicles Manual
P. 26

chapter 1 — getting your driver’s licence

                                            All road tests consist of:
                      fast fact
                                            •   a pre-trip inspection
                 Knowledge and road test    •   an air brake pre-trip inspection (if your vehicle is equipped with air brakes)
                 fees vary depending on
                 which tests you will be    •   a road test.
                 taking. The fees are listed at
                         During your road test you must demonstrate your ability to:
                                            •   do a pre-trip inspection, including a written trip inspection report
                                            •   use basic skills for controlling your vehicle
                      fast fact
                                            •   handle your vehicle in traffic.
                 You’re responsible for     A Class 1 road test takes about two hours. Class 2, 3, 4 and heavy trailer
                 ensuring that your vehicle   endorsement road tests take fewer than two hours.
                 is properly insured for
                 use during your road test.   Plan to arrive at the office at least 15 minutes early. If you can’t keep your road
                 ICBC accepts no liability   test appointment, you need to notify ICBC.
                 whatsoever for ensuring
                 that your vehicle is properly   You’ll have to pay a fee if you don’t show up for your scheduled road test and
                 insured and expressly      don’t provide either 48 hours notice or a valid reason for not attending.
                 reserves its right to make
                 determinations with respect   Pre-trip inspection test
                 to coverage in the event
                 of a claim. Check with your   The National Safety Code (NSC) requires most commercial drivers to
                 Autoplan broker if you have   complete trip inspections. If you’re applying for a Class 1, 2, 3 or 4 licence, a
                 any questions about your
                 coverage.                  heavy trailer endorsement, a house trailer endorsement or an air brake
                                            endorsement, you’ll need to conduct a pre-trip inspection. If you’re applying
                                            for a Class 1, 2, 3 or 4 unrestricted licence, you must also complete and
                                            submit a written trip inspection report.

                                            If your vehicle is equipped with air brakes with manual slack adjusters you’ll
                                            need to perform a brake adjustment as part of the test. Make sure you have
                      fast fact             the proper tools to carry out this adjustment.

                                            The pre-trip inspection part of your road test is your opportunity to show that
                 The National Safety Code   you know how, when and why you must complete a trip inspection. Under
                 sets out minimum safety    the NSC, pre-trip inspections must always be done before the first run of the
                 standards for all commercial   day. Even if you conducted a pre-trip inspection earlier in the day, your driver
                 drivers, vehicles and carriers   examiner will ask you to do a pre-trip inspection as part of your road test.
                 in Canada.

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