Page 65 - Provet Cloud Description 11_2019_Neat
P. 65
Import functionality
An import function is available. Supported file formats are .xls and .xml. The file columns and Provet Cloud
item fields are mapped to match each other and imported. A key field can be defined to match items in the file
to be imported to existing items in Provet Cloud to update existing items. For example, item code is a good
option to match items in the file to items already in Provet Cloud. Matched items are updated and unmatched
items are created as new items in the system.
Importing from a file:
Matching the columns of the file to be imported to item fields in Provet Cloud:
It is possible to edit a full item group, selected subgroups or selected items directly from Provet Cloud
interface and apply a % increase or decrease to purchase price, markup or sales price for the selected items.
This can be done by super users. This feature is available on a practice level. If multiple departments/clinics
are using the same price list, the changes affect them all.