Page 68 - Provet Cloud Description 11_2019_Neat
P. 68

Creating an item template:

            Additionally, Provet Cloud offers a function to automatically add a composite of items to a consultation when
            the consultation is starting.  A group of items can be linked to an incoming Reason, such as “Cleaning teeth”.
            When the consultation for a patient with an incoming Reason “Cleaning teeth” is started, the connected items
            are automatically added to the consultation. The items can be deleted or edited if needed. Other items can be
            added as normal.

            Item subgroups

            It  is  also  possible  to  create  subgroups  for  the  items.  The  subgroups  can  be  used  to  filter  items  on  a
            consultation.  The  item  subgroups  can  also  be  used  for  reporting  purposes  and  for  doing  bulk  changes  to
            items. Bulk item changes can be targeted to a subgroup.

            Medicine search on a consultation where the subgroup selection is available:

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