Page 270 - Knack Knots You Need
P. 270

douBLe turLe Knot

 A knot used primarily for tying a fly to a

 The double Turle knot is a simple angling knot that se-  tipped eye, an eye that lies at an angle to the shank, the
 cures the line to the shank of a fly hook (or any hook).   line draws directly from the knot without compromising
 With a single loop in the line, a Turle will be tied, and with   any of the line’s strength. Dating back at least to the early
 two loops you get the double Turle, a slightly more dif-  1800s, this knot was popularized by Major William Greer
 ficult knot to tie but a more secure knot. When using a   Turle, who never claimed to have invented it.

 Double Turle Knot: Step 1  Double Turle Knot: Step 2

 Knots You need: FisHing Knots

 Thread the line through the eye of the hook   Tuck the working end through both loops, as
 and form two loops, one sitting on top of the   shown in the photograph.

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