Page 274 - Knack Knots You Need
P. 274
CraWFord Knot
A fast-tying knot for changing a lure or fly in a hurry.
Although overlooked by many devout anglers, the Craw-
ford is a versatile knot useful in attaching line to flies, hooks,
swivels and lures. The Crawford has two big advangtages:
The knot ties quickly and its ten crossing points, the places
where a part of the line (or rope) overlaps another part of the X over the original loop tells that
the line, make it hold fairly well considering its simplicity. the knot is being tied correctly.
Crawford Knot: Step 1 Crawford Knot: Step 2
Knots You need: FisHing Knots
Thread the line through the eye of the hook Bring the working end up over the loop and
and bring the working end around the stand- down through the newly created loop (from
ing part and back underneath the loop the back). Pull on the working end to tighten
created. the knot, then slide the knot against the eye of
the shank. Trim off the tag end.