Page 276 - Knack Knots You Need
P. 276

Cairnton (Woods) Knot

 A knot for tying the line to the
 shank of a hook.

  While similar to the dry fly knot (see page 130) in func-
 tion, the Cairnton knot (also known as the Woods knot) is
 simpler to tie. When used with an eye that is tipped at an
 angle to the shank of the hook, it can be situated to pull a
 straight line. This knot is also popular for tying a swivel to
 the end of a line.

 Cairnton Knot: Step 1  Cairnton Knot: Step 2

 Thread  the  line  through  the  eye.  Loop  the   Loop  the  working  end  around  the  standing   HooK & taCKLe Knots
 working end around the shank of the hook, as   part and back through the first loop. Push the
 shown in the photograph.  second loop onto the shank and snug the knot
    against the eye. Trim off the tag end.
 GREEN    liGht
 This knot was first mentioned in Fisherman’s Knots
 and Wrinkles, by W. A. Hunter
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