Page 341 - Knack Knots You Need
P. 341

true Lover’s Knot

         A multi-use entanglement for a bow or lanyard.

         The  legend  goes  something  like  this:  In  the  sixteenth   behind. What is not legend is this: The name became very
         century,  Dutch  sailors  began  to  intertwine  two  over-  popular, and today quite a few knots bear the name true
         hand knots to form a new knot they called the true lov-  lover’s. It is also factual that all true lover’s knots share the
         er’s knot. The intertwined overhand knots represented   intimate mating of two overhands knots into a symmetri-
         intertwined  lovers—the  lovers,  supposedly,  they  left    cal whole. Thus the fisherman’s knot (see page 106) may

         True Lover’s Knot: Step 1                           True Lover’s Knot: Step 2

       Knots You need

         Intertwine two overhand knots (see page 18)          Take  the  belly  of  one  overhand  out  through
         on opposite sides of a bight, as shown in the        the  opposite  overhand,  as  shown  in  the
         photograph.  The  overhands  must  be  inter-        photograph.
         twined exactly as shown.

           At this point, the cord may be
           tightened into a lanyard knot.

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