Page 337 - Knack Knots You Need
P. 337
sHeepsHanK BoWKnot
A variation of the sheepshank that forms a
lovely bow.
The sheepshank bowknot is no more than a tightening the slack. The sheepshank knot is one that even the most
of the common sheepshank knot in a way that creates a accomplished knot tyers often claim never to have really
bow instead of the standard sheepshank configuration used, despite the fact that it works well. The sheepshank
(see page 88). When slack is left in twine or string during bowknot, on the other hand, is one you will surely tie in
the wrapping of a package, either intentionally or unin- string at least now and then.
tentionally, this knot can be used to decoratively remove
Sheepshank Bowknot: Step 1 Sheepshank Bowknot: Step 2
Knots You need: deCorative Knots
Lay out two bights in the cord in an S or Z Use the main cord to tie two half hitches (see
shape. page 35) over the ends of both bights, as shown
in the photograph.