Page 332 - Knack Knots You Need
P. 332
japanese BoWKnot
Decorates the end of a cord.
The Japanese bowknot (sometimes simply called the Jap-
anese knot) is tied at the end of a cord, making it a useful
yet decorative addition to a pull-string. Once again, the
knot work should be done on a flat surface for the most
effective tying conditions. This knot is purely decorative. BoWKnots
Japanese Bowknot: Step 1 Japanese Bowknot: Step 2
Lay out the cord as shown in the photograph. Bring the two ends up through the arrange-
ment of cord as shown in the photograph.
the loops can be adjusted to Work the knot, somewhat laboriously, into its
the desired size during the final final shape.