Page 333 - Knack Knots You Need
P. 333
simpLe BoWKnot
Ties two working ends quickly and easily
The simple bowknot (also known as the common bow- Despite its seemingly infinite usefulness, it is generally
knot or ordinary bowknot) is arguably the most used knot considered decorative (as all bowknots are) due to the
in the world. It is used to connect the ends of the laces pretty symmetry of the final form and the fact that it is
of a pair of shoes, but it functions equally well any time used so often to decorate gifts. It unties even more easily
two working ends need to be quickly and easily joined. than it ties; a tug on either working end will undo it.
Simple Bowknot: Step 1 Simple Bowknot: Step 2
Knots You need: deCorative Knots
Tie the working ends together in an overhand Form a bight in one working end.
knot (see page 18).
This knot can be used for tying shoes and wrapping
presents, among other things.