Page 346 - Knack Knots You Need
P. 346
simpLe LanYard Knot
Small ornamental embellishment or short piece
of cord attached to an object.
Lanyards originally were—and still can be—short pieces In thicker cord it fails to tighten into its attractive shape. It
of cord attached to any object to hold it, usually around can be tied in a series along a cord to shorten the cord or
the neck or wrist, or to act as a handle. Today lanyard to make the cord easier to grip. This knot could be use-
knots are seen primarily as decorative. One of many ful to campers or boaters who want to shorten a piece of
single-strand lanyard knots, this simple one can be used cord and/or make it easier to handle.
to decorate thin cord that hangs otherwise unattractively.
Simple Lanyard Knot: Step 1 Simple Lanyard Knot: Step 2
Knots You need
Tie a figure 8 knot (see page 22) in the cord but Bring each end of the cord through the oppo-
do not tighten it. site loop in the figure 8 and tighten.