Page 380 - Knack Knots You Need
P. 380

be used as a pull-string. It is most often tied as a two-ply
 or three-ply knot. (A three-ply knot is illustrated here). It
 can be tied larger than a three-ply. In addition to being
 tied around a spherical object (a marble or golf ball would
 work fine for decorative purposes), it can be tied around
 your hand as a starting point; this is known as the sailor’s   Be sure to tuck the end
 method and is shown here.   inside the knot to hide it.

 Monkey’s Fist: Step 3  Monkey’s Fist: Step 4

 Slip the upper half of the wraps off your fin-  With the bundle entirely off your fingers, make
 gers and continue to wrap an equal number of   a  third  set  of  wraps,  the  same  in  number,
 wraps around the first set of wraps, as shown   around  and  through  where  the  two  bundles
 in the photograph. A spherical object may be   of cord meet. It will take some time to tighten
 inserted at this point.  and form the ball into its final spherical shape.    misCeLLaneous

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