Page 377 - Knack Knots You Need
P. 377

monKeY’s Fist

         A large, round decorative knot with practical uses.

         If  you  are  imaginative,  the  monkey’s  fist  (monkey  fist,   line knot and who sometimes tied it around a stone or
         monkey paw) does resemble a fist. It may well be the   other spherical object to add weight. The knot can be
         most  famous  decorative  knot,  one  recognized  almost   tied around a rubber ball if flotation is desired.
         instantly  by  a  vast  number  of  people.  It  was  probably   Decoratively,  the  monkey’s  fist  is  popular  as  a  large
         developed  by  sailors  who  needed  a  heavy  heaving   and attractive end to any cord, especially if the cord will

         Monkey’s Fist: Step 1                               Monkey’s Fist: Step 2

       Knots You need: deCorative Knots

         Wrap the cord around your hand as shown in           Trap  the  final  wrap  with  your  fingers  as
         the photograph.                                      shown.

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