Page 382 - Knack Knots You Need
P. 382
turK’s Head
A decorative embellishment to cylindrical or
semi-cylindrical objects.
The Turk’s head, often spoken of as the ultimate deco- Turk’s heads, and all based on the length of cord available
rative knot, actually has many applications that include and the ability (and patience) of the tyer. Some enthusi-
functioning as a napkin ring, providing better grip to a asts have devoted themselves entirely to this knot, writing
railing, and marking the center rudder position of a ship’s books about it.
wheel. Variations are virtually without number, all called Yes, it does sort of resemble a turban, and thus the
Turk’s Head: Step 1 Turk’s Head: Step 2
Knots You need: deCorative Knots
Wrap the cord around your hand as shown in Carefully slip the loops off your hand and tuck
the photograph, making sure to leave a long the right-hand loop through the left-hand
length of cord to work with. loop.