Page 411 - Knack Knots You Need
P. 411

D                                    International Guild of Knot Tyers   history, 8                      index
                decorative knots                        and, 8–9                    hitches, boat
                   bowknots, 165–71                  strength of, 12                   anchor (fisherman’s) bend, 74–75
                   button knots, 184–87           figure 8 knot with draw loop, 24     buntline hitch, 76–77
                   lanyard knots, 172–83          figure 8 loop, 28–29                 camel hitch, 81
                   miscellaneous, 188–95          figure 8 triple loop, 118–19         constrictor knot, 85
                double bowline                    Firth hitch, 199                     double constrictor knot, 86–87
                   instructions, 66–67            fisherman’s knot                     highwayman’s hitch, 78–79
                   strength of, 12                   classification of, 9              pile (post) hitch, 84
                double constrictor knot, 86–87       instructions, 106–7               pole hitch, 82–83
                double fisherman’s knot           fishing knots                        rolling hitch, 80
                   instructions, 108–9               hook and tackle, 127–48        hitches, climbing
                   strength of, 12                   illustration of, 196              Bachmann hitch, 96–97
                double overhand knot                 joining lines, 149–55             Garda knot, 100
                   classification of, 9              loops, 156–64                     girth hitch, 98
                   illustration of, 201           five-lead flat sinnet, 174–75        klemheist knot, 101
                   instructions, 52               flax, 13                             Munter (Italian) hitch, 99
                double overhand loop, 164         four-ply knot, 173                   Prusik knot, 102–3
                double sheet bend, 27                                               hook and tackle knots
                double Turle knot, 134–35         G                                    arbor knot, 127
                double uni-knot, 154–55           Garda knot, 100                      Cairnton (Woods) knot, 137
                draw hitch, 78–79                 girth hitch                          Crawford knot, 136
                dropper loop, 162–63                 illustration of, 203              double Turle knot, 134–35
                dry fly knot, 130–31                 instructions, 98                  dry fly knot, 130–31
                                                     strength of, 12                   improved clinch knot, 128–29
                E                                 grass, 13                            Palomar knot, 146–47
                eight-part button knot, 186–87                                         simple snell, 140–41
                eye splice, 89                    H                                    snelling a hook, 142
                                                  half hitch                           swivel knot, 144–45
                F                                    classification of, 9              tandem hook knot, 143
                figure 8 bend, 112–13                instructions, 34                  Trilene knot, 138–39
                figure 8 double loop, 116–17      Hangman’s knot (noose), 32–33        uni-knot, 132–33
                figure 8 follow-through           hard-laid ropes, 15                  world’s fair knot, 148
                   illustration of, 196           heat sealing, 15                  Hunter’s (rigger’s) bend, 105
                   instructions, 114–15           heaving line knot, 20–21
                figure 8 knot                     hemp, 13
                   instructions, 22–23            highwayman’s hitch, 78–79

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