Page 416 - Knack Knots You Need
P. 416

ropes, 13–16  clove hitch on a ring, 38  twine, 13         index
 round turn and two half hitches  clove hitch on a stake, 37  two half hitches
 instructions, 104  cow hitch (pedigree), 40–41  instructions, 35
 International Guild of Knot    cow hitch (simple), 39  International Guild of Knot
    Tyers and, 9  half hitch, 34     Tyers and, 9
 strength of, 12  transom knot, 44–45  round turn and, 102–3
 running bowline, 70–71  two half hitches, 35  strength of, 12
 stopper knots, boats  two-strand Matthew Walker, 180
 S  Ashley’s stopper knot, 53
 scaffold knot, 60–61  double overhand knot, 52  U
 security, 13  stopper knots, camping  uni-knot, 132–33
 sheepshank bowknot, 168–69  figure 8 knot, 22–23
 sheepshank knot  figure 8 knot with draw loop, 24  V
 instructions, 88  heaving line knot, 20–21  vice versa
 strength of, 12  overhand knot, 18  instructions, 56–57
 sheet bend  overhand knot with draw loop, 19  materials and, 17
 instructions, 26  strength, 12
 International Guild of Knot    string, 13  W
    Tyers, 8–9  swivel knot, 144–45
 shock loading, 12  synthetic fibers, 14–15  water knot, 110–11
 silk, 13              whipping, 15, 94–95
 simple bowknot, 166–67  T  wool, 13
 simple chain sinnet, 192–93  tandem hook knot, 143  world’s fair knot, 148
 simple lanyard knot  tautline hitch, 48–49
 illustration of, 199  terminology, 10–11  Z
 instructions, 172  thread, 13  zeppelin bend, 58–59
 simple snell, 140–41  timber hitch, 50
 slip knot, 31  tips, tying, 16–17
 snelling a hook, 142  transom knot, 44–45
 Spanish bowline, 123–25  Trilene knot, 138–39
 splicing, 15  triple bowline, 68–69
 square (reef) knot  trombone loop, 158–59
 illustration of, 197, 202  trucker’s hitch, 46–47
 instructions, 25  true lover’s knot, 170–71
 stationary hitches, camping  Turk’s head
 bull hitch, 42–43  illustration of, 198, 200
 clove hitch, 36  instructions, 190–91

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