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                  A                                             MAKE IT EASY!

                                                                Getting clean without using harsh toxic
                                                                chemicals is rapidly becoming the new stan-
                                                                dard. Green Home, Clean Home is the fi  rst full-
                                                                color book to show you the best techniques,
                                                                products, and supplies to get a good-smelling,
                                                                planet friendly home. Here are hundreds of
                                                                quick ways to do quick cleaning, deep clean-
                                                                                                 GREEN HOME
  MAKE IT EASY!                                               GREEN DECORATING                   CLEAN HOME
                                                                ing, everyday laundry, and much more.
   Visually organized for quick reference and     C                475 color photos
   ease of understanding, The Knack Book of                     Eco-friendly, germ free options
   Home Maintenance and Repair gives you all   HOME REPAIR &      Step-by-step advice
   the information and detail you need to deal                      & REMODELING
   with and prevent hundreds of the most com-
   mon problems with your home. From tools
   and techniques to painting, electrical work,   MAINTENANCE               Kimberly Delaney has the knack! Already a
   plumbing, and maintenance, it’s all in this one   MAKE IT EASY!          writer for online magazine in addi-
   easy-to-use volume.    K      It’s beautiful going green. The home furnish-  tion to modeling for a women’s athletic clothing   CLEAN HOME GREEN HOME
                                 ings industry is undergoing a renaissance of
                                                                            company and fi  nishing a Ph.D., with the expected
                                                                            arrival of her baby daughter she has become a
     475 color photos
                                 people, made with renewable resources,
 MAKE IT EASY!  An essential troubleshooter!  Terry Meany has the knack! A former contractor,   HOME REPAIR & MAINTENANCE  amazing new products that are less toxic for   Heather Paper has the Knack! She is a writer,   GREEN DECORATING & REMODEL
                                  and avoid processes that can harm the
                                                                            eco-friendly home environments.  She is based in
     Step-by-step advice
                                                                            Watsonville, CA.
                                  The surprise is how sumptuous these new
 Get organized one small step at a time or
 combine many sorting-and-weeding projects
                                  green choices are. Knack Green Decorating
                                                                              Cover design by Paul Beatrice • Printed in China
              he is the author of the Lyons Press’s Working Win-
                                  and Remodeling showcases all the beautiful,
 for major self-improvement. The Knack Book
              dows and also wrote The Complete Idiot’s Guide
                                                                  Design Ideas and Sources for a Beautiful Eco-Friendly Home
                                   environmentally friendly options you’d love to
                                                                                US $19.95/CAN $22.95
 of Organizing Your Home shows you how to
                                               consultant, and decorating-industry expert who
              to Plumbing and The Complete Idiot’s Guide to
 clear the clutter and deal effi  ciently with ev-
                                               has worked in the home decorating fi  eld for
              Electrical Repair. He lives in Seattle, Washington.
                                                                Knack Books are an imprint of
 erything from clothes and towels to tools and
                                               more than twenty years. She has been the editor
                                                                The Globe Pequot Press
 bills. Includes scores of beautiful storage ideas
                                               of numerous decorating magazines published
                                               by the Meredith Corporation. A recent stint on
                                     Furniture & Fabrics
                                                Seattle Homes and Lifestyles magazine opened
                                    Wall & Window Coverings
                                                her eyes to the beautiful world of green. She now
 you can use today.
                                     Floors & Countertops
                                                tracks the eastward expansion of good green
                                                                                                 CLEAN HOME, GREEN HOME
 Emily Wilska has the knack! She is the owner   ORGANIZING YOUR HOME Knack Books  CLEAN HOME, GREEN HOME  Cover design by Paul Beatrice • Printed in China  have in your home.  An Illustrated Problem Solver  CLEAN HOME, GREEN HOME  Guilford, Con
                                     Bed & Bath * Lighting
                   US $19.95/CAN $22.95
 of The Organized Life (,
                                                design from her home in Atlanta.
                                      Babies & Children
 a San Francisco-based professional organizing
                                                  Cover design by Paul Beatrice • Printed in China
                                      Pets * Outdoor Living
   Knack Books are an imprint of
   The Globe Pequot Press
 A regular presenter to professional audiences,
 475 color photos
 she is active in the San Francisco Bay Area chap-
 Combines system set-up and   company serving business and residential clients.   Guilford, Connecticut  Decluttering Solutions and Storage Ideas  MEANY  Finishing Touches TERRY MEANY  US $19.95/CAN $22.95  PAPER
 ter of the National Association of Professional
               EMILY WILSKA
                                   CLEAN HOME, GREEN HOME
 storage ideas
 Step-by-step advice  Organizers (NAPO).   DELANEY   EAN              DELANEY
 Cover design by Paul Beatrice • Printed in China  CLEAN HOME, GREEN HOME  Knack Books are an imprint of
 US $19.95/CAN $22.95
                                     Knack Books
                                      Guilford, Connecticut
  WILSKA                             The Globe Pequot Press
 Knack Books are an imprint of
 Knack Books
 The Globe Pequot Press
 Guilford, Connecticut
                                                                 Showcases all the sumptuous yet environmentally-friendly
          Also look for:           CLEAN HOME, GREEN HOME        Knack Green Decorating & Remodeling
          Knack Organizing Your Home                              furnishings that will also beautify your home.
          Clear the clutter and deal efficiently with everything from
          clothes and towels to tools and bills. Includes scores of
           beautiful  storage ideas you can use today.            Knack Clean Home Green Home
                                                                  The best techniques, products, and supplies for living in a fresh-
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           All the information you need to deal with and prevent
            hundreds of the most common problems in your home.
                                                   Available wherever books are sold.
                                          To order call 800-243-0495 or Visit
                  CLEAN HOME, GREEN HOME
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